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购买Linux VPS之后的一些基础操作步骤
2014年06月26日 电脑相关 ⁄ 共 5315字 评论数 11

本教程不仅限于衡天主机,也适用于其他LINUX VPS




那么,你要放什么程序?不同的程序所需求的环境是不一样的,例如 WordPress 和 Typecho 需要 PHP+MysqlGHost 需要 Nodejs 。

而且不同的程序需要的软件版本也不一样,例如许多软件要求PHP版本为5.2,有一些则要求PHP版本为5.3 。


有位朋友要安装 PHPCMS,我查了一下,是需要 PHP5.2,在 PHP5.3 下运行问题比较多。



AMH http://www.amysql.com/AMH.htm

virtualmin http://www.virtualmin.com/

WDCP http://www.wdlinux.cn/wdcp/

LNMP http://lnmp.org/

DirectAdmin http://www.directadmin.com/


因为 PHPCMS 需要 PHP5.2 版本,并且这位朋友也是新手,所以就安装 DirectAdmin 了。

首先,链接SSH客户端,推荐使用 Putty 和 Xshell

链接后使用 cat /etc/redhat-release 命令查看当前服务器版本。

[root@vps ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release   
CentOS release 6.5 (Final)


[root@vps ~]# uname -a
Linux vps.xxx.com 2.6.32-431.el6.i686 #1 SMP Fri Nov 22 00:26:36 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux



yum -y install unzip zip lftp tar quota nano mutt gcc gcc-c++ flex make perl gd bison  openssl-devel bind patch libaio screen


screen -S DA


wget http://www.directadmin.com/setup.sh
chmod 755 setup.sh



然后会要求输入授权ID和客户ID (这个可以到官方网站购买)

Please enter your Client ID : 0000 #这里输入Client ID
Please enter your License ID : 0000 #这里输入License ID
Please enter your hostname \(server.domain.com\)
It must be a Fully Qualified Domain Name
Do *not* use a domain you plan on using for the hostname:
eg. don't use domain.com. Use server.domain.com instead.
Do not enter http:// or www

Enter your hostname (FQDN) : vps.123.com ##这里输入hostname,不建议使用自己的域名,可以随便写个
Client ID:  0000
License ID: 0000
Hostname: vps.shebao12333.com
Is this correct? (y,n) : y  #确认以上信息是否有误,没有错误输入y
Is eth0 your network adaptor with the license IP ( (y,n) : y #确认IP是否有误,无误输入y
Is the IP in your license? (y,n) : y #确认该IP是否为授权IP,无误输入y
Is this correct? (y,n) : y  #再次确认是否正确,正确输入y


You now have 4 options for your apache/php setup.

1: customapache:         end-of-life software.  Apache 1.3, php 4, frontpage.  Do not use.  No support.
2: custombuild 1.1:      older software.  Apache 2.x, php 4, 5, or both in cli and/or suphp. Defaults to php 5.2
3: custombuild 1.2:      * Recommended. simlar to 1.1, newer default versions.  Apache 2.x, php 5, 6, or both in cli and/or suphp. Defaults to php 5.3
4: custombuild 2.0 ALPHA: Not yet recommended, still in testing. Apache 2.4, mod_ruid2, php 5.4. Can be set to use php-FPM. Experts only. Requires pre-release binaries.

      Post any issues with custombuild to the forum: http://www.directadmin.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=61

Enter your choice (1, 2, 3 or 4): 2 #根据需求选择你的软件版本
You have chosen custombuild 1.1.
--2014-06-19 10:10:40--  http://files.directadmin.com/services/custombuild/1.1/custombuild/build
Resolving files.directadmin.com...,
Connecting to files.directadmin.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 320299 (313K) [text/plain]
Saving to: `/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build'

100%[=======================================================================================================================================================================================>] 320,299      222K/s   in 1.4s    

2014-06-19 10:10:43 (222 KB/s) - `/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build' saved [320299/320299]

Would you like the default settings of apache 2.2 and php 5.2 cli? (y/n): n
You have chosen to customize the custombuild options.  Please wait while options configurator is downloaded... 

Cannot find /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/options.conf, writing defaults.
Downloading             versions.txt...
--2014-06-19 10:10:49--  http://files.directadmin.com/services/custombuild/versions.txt
Resolving files.directadmin.com...,
Connecting to files.directadmin.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 8471 (8.3K) [text/plain]
Saving to: `/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/versions.txt'

100%[=======================================================================================================================================================================================>] 8,471       22.0K/s   in 0.4s    

2014-06-19 10:10:49 (22.0 KB/s) - `/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/versions.txt' saved [8471/8471]
Would you like to backup the current options.conf? (yes/no): yes
Backup created: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/options.conf.20140619101106.backup
Would you like to have PHP4 or PHP5 as default? (4/5): 5
Would you like to have PHP5? (yes/no): yes
Would you like to have PHP5 as CLI or CGI? (cli/cgi): cgi
Would you like to have PHP4? (yes/no): no
Would you like to have ionCube? (yes/no): yes
Would you like to have Zend Optimizer? (yes/no): yes
Would you like to have an ability to update/instal MySQL using CustomBuild? (yes/no): yes
Which version of MySQL you would like to have? (5.0/5.1/5.5/5.6): 5.5
Which version of Apache you would like to have? (1.3/2.0/2.2/2.4): 2.2
Would you like to prevent htaccess files from using Options FollowSymLinks? More secure, but may break scripts. (yes/no): yes
Would you like to have an ability to update/instal Exim using CustomBuild? (yes/no): no
Would you like to have an ability to install Dovecot? (yes/no): no
Would you like to have an ability to install/update phpMyAdmin using CustomBuild? (yes/no): yes
Would you like to have an ability to install/update SquirrelMail webmail using CustomBuild? (yes/no): no
Would you like to have an ability to install/update RoundCube webmail using CustomBuild? (yes/no): no
Would you like to have an ability to install/update UebiMiau webmail using CustomBuild (not recommended)? (yes/no): no
Would you like to have an ability to install/update Atmail Open webmail using CustomBuild? (yes/no): no
Would you like to search for the fastest download mirror? (y/n): y #开始测速,并开始编译。


过上1个小时,回来用 screen -r 打开看安装完成的密码。

安装好之后参考 http://hengtian.biz/191.shtml 来建站。


目前有 11 条留言 其中:访客:0 条, 博主:0 条

  1. 防滑垫 : 2018年04月28日12:49:49  1楼 @回复 回复


  2. 爱落空 : 2017年10月12日11:26:41  2楼 @回复 回复


  3. 好点的男科医院 : 2015年07月29日23:17:38  3楼 @回复 回复


  4. 苏州婚纱摄影 : 2015年05月04日12:13:16  4楼 @回复 回复


  5. seo培训 : 2015年03月23日11:08:58  5楼 @回复 回复


  6. 深圳国旅官网 : 2015年03月08日18:43:17  6楼 @回复 回复


  7. 葡萄酒批发 : 2015年02月04日12:03:34  7楼 @回复 回复


  8. seo论坛 : 2014年07月06日14:04:44  8楼 @回复 回复



